Senin, 12 September 2022

Ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor 1839

Ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor in Banyumas Regency was the biggest sugar factory in ex Banyumas Residency in the era of colonial. It was started in 1839.

At the moment Ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor is a garment factory, owned by PT Sansan Saudatex Jaya on Jalan Raya Kalibagor.

In Ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor, you will see ruins of ex sugar factory, houses and an old Dutch graveyard at the behind of it.

From Purwokerto city, if You are an individual visitor, you should go to Bus Terminl Purwokerto to Kalibagor by a small bus (local people said MIKRO) and you said to the driver "Bekas Pabrik Gula Kalibagor" pay Rp 5.000,00 for your trip.

If you want to take photos around ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor and visit old Dutch graveyard, you should ask permit to a security guard at the post.

If you want to visit old Dutch graveyard at the behind of the factory, you need a local guide.

From the post guard, you should go on a walk to the right along the bank of factory and it takes 15 minutes up to old Dutch graveyard. After arrive here, you will see many old Dutch graves and the biggest grave if grave of Sir Edward Cooke.

My photo beside grave of Sir Edward Cooke in ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor.

Thank you very much for PT Sansan Saudatex Jaya to permit us to visit ex Sugar Factory Kalibagor and old Dutch graveyard at the behind of factory.

Thank you very much for Banyumas History Heritage Community.

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